Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My future career

Have always loved science , biology and chemistry , i want know as I think everything  we are made , and with the love that I have to animals, I chose this career because it is the perfect combination : Veterinary Medicine .
I´m in first year of my course of studies and in the future I would like to work as a veterinary.
I would like to work in the field especially in the south , since there aside from having a better quality of life , are protected areas of wildlife conservation . What I like to do there is to work in the area of conservation of animals avoid extinction worry about them, promote love and respect for animals and install rehabilitation centers, also perform their medica attention, is to preserve itself  , helping to change policies on it .. Also in the south there are more big animals ( livestock ) and is also an area that catches my attention , the clinic of them . In the future I would like to specialize area is Exotic animals and conserving them. These are to nourish knowledge to do a better job in the area I'd that be in the future .
Yes I would like to continue studying, but I believe in things related to the area of which I speak , but I would continue to study in other countries like Europe because that have other views and best technology to develop myself.

Friday, November 15, 2013

My favourite photo!

Yes, this is my favorite picture , no it is a landscape or an animal in its habitat , just me and my son enjoying a holiday on the beach.
In the picture you can appreciate as I said: I and my son Benjamin in Algarrobo . It is seen in the background the sea and sands , also other people with your family enjoying the day. I like this image because it reflects that only enjoy in a good place with good climate and your favorite people can be a great day , also the contrast that makes the beach with sand . This photo was taken in January del 2013 and was taken by Dad . What was sucediendiendo basically is to spend a pleasant day. I have not the possibility to enjoy every day with my son, because the university takes me all the time , so not see you in the day , so the nights are to be enjoyed.  tthen at that time we were all happy because we could share porfin without worries , peace and serenity were great in that place. Seeing this is what causes me much happiness, but also sad, because I like to be every day that way with my son. But I know someday that torture was over and be happy.

Friday, November 8, 2013

My favourite relative: Benjamín

Well , there is no way in which confusion or doubt who my favorite relative , i don't get along with the rest of my family , nowhere to get lost hahaha . My choice is Benjamin  Maximiliano Escorza Sanchez.

The main reason is because, is my son. I love you so much ! He gives me happiness , with every smile that gives me my world changes.

Bebenjita (as I call)  born on September 7, 2011 , is a small very hyperkinetic , who likes to eat , he always want play , because for him a box, is a new world to explore. He is very smart , he loves to get attention , you can never be alone, like mom .

I share with him since he was born , basically each routine , from waking to give his first milk , your lunch , your dinner , and bedtime routine : the songs and story. The games in the evenings the rounds , football and basketball.

The cutest first memory I have with him is his birth, when they did the c-section , to give milk (breastfeeding ) for the first time , when I hold my fingers with his little thumb , was a wonderful day.  Another memory was when  learned to walk , his smile said it all , see it was growing , already more independent was the best , but the best was to see that he was doing well , I'm a good mom.

What I've learned from him is just everything : There is no so bitter , you have to enjoy life no matter what happens , as the saying goes : Carpe Diem . Also as has been my ground wire , I learned to be more responsible , and stop worrying about nonsense .

Friday, October 25, 2013


 It is a mammal lagomofo , once thought it was a rodent, but the only thing I have with them is that their incisors never stop growing and have to constantly be spending them . The rabbit is native to the Mediterranean area , but today you can find anywhere in the world, thanks to its enormous capacity to adapt to any environment and their high rate of reproduction. Imagine you can have three to six deliveries per year and each can be born from four to 12 offspring , which come into this world blind and without fur. The gestation period lasts about six weeks.The rabbit is usually crepuscular habits , but often hot days meet from noon or even throughout the morning . Lives in colonies that often build labyrinthine underground galleries , called warrens .
There are about 60 different breeds of rabbits. Medium breeds reach weights between 3.5 kg , and small breeds weighing 3.5 kg . The stomach of these animals is large and never empties , also lack the ability to vomit. The bones of rabbits are extremely fragile , resulting in frequent fractures of extremities and spine. His constant movement as the nose moves renews and moisturizes the air to enhance the ability to sense odors and to be more attentive.
The lagomorphs play an important role in ecological , since many of the carnivorous population cycles are determined in a remarkable way by changes in population densities of this group , but also form the basis of food for species of snakes and raptors . Lagomorphs generally also play an important role in its activity escavadora aeration, soil mixing and recycling . Besides serving their excreta compost and provide nutrients to the soil , allowing the successful development of many plant species . Seed carriers are helping the dispersion of plants , because their diet includes large amounts of vegetative and reproductive parts of grasses, bushes and trees up . In general, these species contribute positively to the dynamics of the ecosystem.
In some countries they are considered pests , but this happened because man introduced in that habitat , and that habitat no natural predators. But in no country is in danger of extinction.
This animal I like because besides being very domesticated , is gentle , gets along well with other pets , radiating joy, his coat is very softly , very cute .

Friday, October 18, 2013

Why do you want to be a veterinarian?

I as a child had crazy dreams from being a pop singer or be an astronaut , but my mom always told me you should be a doctor , never appealed to me 100 % . When child I was very good at math so I thought up to study engineering but was always under pressure or because people said you had to study that, of all my life I have loved animals , have had pets all my life, but never I saw it as an option .
Then when I was in high school, everything changed , started my eternal hatred for math and my love for the area of the sciences , although I never did well is the area that most attracts, me at first was to study something related to chemistry, biochemistry or chemicals and pharmaceuticals , also in the health area also liked obstetrics. Well.. Tastes change ... When I became pregnant I began to see my life differently , perhaps because it was more sensitive eras , but I started to realize the things that are around me ,The human must stop being egocentric ,and should see their younger siblings (animals-no human ) that man is exploding . The love for animals nobody remove me ! 


So far it has been a good experience , but exchange one thing for example the approach gives the university: everything is production,  but these things must happen. The university environment is best

Later I would like to work in wildlife conservation, as they are the ones who need us most, work also in municipalities making responsible ownership and make sterilization at low prices, to help low-income families. I also like the area of research, public health not yet decided hahaha good good,
but nothing of animal production ;) 

Friday, October 11, 2013

My favourite piece of technology is my play station 2, yes is old school but I like it. Since very young I have liked video games, I do not remember when I had my first console, I do remember it was a SNES, where my brothers,cousins and I spent whole afternoons playing super mario world. If I remember that in 2000 I get the playstation one, well not me hahah, my older brother, but it was a family gift. A few years later the playstation 2 came with best graphics and games, in that moment my mom couldn't unplug the console.

Basically it is a video game console, it uses mode changes depending on the game, for example if you play guitar hero you need a guitar, microphone and drums (though if you want you can also take control), it also varies the buttons, if it is an adventure game or just a game of football.

Now with the University I'm busy and I only play twice a week. I like the console as it is a fun way to be in a fantasy world for a moment. Without the playstation I would honestly be more stressed because as I said it is a window to escape the real world.


Friday, September 27, 2013

question question and blabla

  • What is your opinion about same-sex marriage?
Well, My opinion is that they must choose to how love, because the love is one just. but above all a change of mind. Barriers should not exist to love anybody, they should not also put from excuse to a bible, since this book does not have the absolute truth. Barriers should not exist to love anybody, they should not also put from excuse to a bible, since this book does not have the absolute truth. Also they should have the possibility of adopting since also they should have the possibility and the marvel of being parents (obviously if they want), children not affected (Actually according studies children are much more tolerant and does not affect your sexual orientation). Gay marriage now legal!

  • What is your opinion about women in the military?
I believe that that they are in all his right to enter, since equality of kind must exist. In fact the woman should enter to what she wanted, and the same salary should win that the men. I'm not really agree with the military, but I must respect if they want to "defend the homeland". Women have the same abilities as men.And this can be a big step to abolish sexism

  • What is your opinion about the Chilean tradition called 'mechoneo'?
In my experiencie I argue that it should be optional, at least I enjoyed it and it is a tradition as you feel that you are in the university, is a stage , but...obviously you can not force someone to cut her clothes and be smelly. Although it should also be other things like a ceremony, to get everyone involved, without trampling on the freedom of others
  • What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?  
In my opinion is not is should legalize, what if is should decriminalize and allow self-cultivation. This herb is occupies so medicinal with demonstrated results scientifically. In my experience marijuana helps relax, and see life in a more spiritual. Also would help to stop drug trafficking, because they sell deadly mixtures.
  • What is your opinion about child labor?
I totally disagree because the child is a child and should enjoy their childhood, they are so young to work. The adults must answer by and for the child, giving them to their children a good life. It is horrible to see as parents take advantage of their children, and sometimes it's just laziness of parents. 
                                 Carpe Diem